Make Your Review Time the Best Part of Your Day

One of my greatest pleasures from goal setting and carrying out my daily tasks is the sheer satisfaction I get from looking back and appreciating my progress at the end of the day.

If you want to maximize your chances of achieving what you set out to do, try this five step daily review process.

  1. Take ten minutes to look at everything you did today. Think back through your day. Remember each task and how you handled it. Walk through the hours in your mind and see yourself working away diligently at your planned activities.
  2. Try not to judge. This is not about giving yourself a hard time if you failed to do something, or did not do it as well as you might have done. Simply make a mental note to do better next time and move on.
  3. Be pleased with your progress. Compare where you are today with where you were at the same time yesterday, the same time last week, or last month or even last year. Note how your life, your skills and your self confidence have improved.
  4. Reward yourself for the work you have done. Whether it is a mental pat on the back, the encouragement of a loved one or a round of golf, never feel guilty about taking an appropriate reward. You deserve it.
  5. Plan your next day. Taking what you have learned and achieved from today, make a plan for tomorrow which encompasses the things you did not manage to finish and the things you want to do better, so that, in the morning, you can hit the ground running.

Achieving your goals doesn't have to be all about blood, sweat and tears. Taking a little time to appreciate your own efforts and achievements is a great way to enjoy the moment.

  • About

    headshot: David Beroff in St. ThomasDavid Beroff started writing software at the age of 11, and was teaching Computer Science at Rutgers University by the time he was 18. After designing software for two decades, he started his own Internet marketing firm in '95; one of his company's earliest successes was, a free feedback-form service that was later sold to Wondermill.

    Beroff had bought and sold four million voluntary, opt-in email leads generated with properties like LeadFactory and SuperTAF before the business failed in '07. He is the author of the book, Turn Funny Email into CASH!, and is currently developing a new social media site,

    He has two grown children, and now lives outside of Scranton with his girlfriend and five cats.

  • Contact

    If you have any questions or concerns about our website and/or our advertising, please feel free to email me directly: David (at) Beroff (dot) com.